Friday 1 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Weekend 2012

Friday 1st June 2012

Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne for 60 years and the whole country is celebrating her diamond jubilee this weekend. The last jubilee like this was Queen Victoria’s in 1897 and it was for Queen Vic’s sake that the traditional diamond jubilee of 75 years was brought down by 15years!

After an entire month of rain in April and some gloriously hot summer days in May (over 25C!), the weekend the nation desperately wants to be sunny and bright is forecast to be overcast and rainy!

Our village has a little something on each day of this weekend; today a previously overgrown corner on the main road will be opened as the Jubilee Garden with new brick paving, newly planted colourful plants, and a bench and two chairs to enjoy the new space and colour.  This afternoon the primary school children will snake down the road for the official opening and to plant a tree.

Today is overcast; there’s certainly not enough blue sky to make a sailor even a handkerchief never mind about the traditional pair of trousers! But this morning was dry so Bella and I went for an hour’s walk in pastures new.

Behind the Red Lion (closed) pub, turn right towards Lings Lane, cross Lings Lane and we simply followed the footpath signs until we came to familiar territory on Bylam Lane leading up to the main road through Chelmondiston. From there we turned left on to Richardson’s Lane and found the familiar cutting past the playing fields and home – by this time the white skies had started to spit, just a little.

The intensely beautiful yellow fields of rape have faded and only one or two plants on the edges of the fields are hanging on to their yellow gowns. The bright red field poppies are springing up looking incredibly startling against the summer greens on an overcast day.  Even the yellow dandelions and weeds look pretty against the new greens.       

The chorus of birds, none of which I can identify except the tuneful blackbird, didn't care that the sun wasn't shining and twittered contentedly, flittering backwards and forwards over seeding grasses and crops; their young probably calling for more worms, more caterpillars, more insects! The bees hummed in and out of bright flower heads and there was probably quite a network of mouse paths at the base of those rape fields - Bella seemed to think so!  

It's the time of year when wild flowers and colourful so-called weeds make a walk in the country fields a pleasant and colourful morning well spent!

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